Movie Story In the Movie Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, Mickey (Ranbir Kapoor) takes care of his family’s business in Delhi. He also secretly runs a breakup business with the support of his friend Manu Dabbas (Anubhav Singh Bassi). Manu Dabbas, who is about to marry his girlfriend Kinchi (Monica Chaudhary), asks Mickey to help him…
Category: Bollywood
Filmfare Awards 2023: The Nominations You Need to Know
The 68th edition of the awards will be held in Mumbai on April 27 Bollywood fans, rejoice. It’s that time of year again when the long-awaited Filmfare Awards (he’s one of the biggest awards ceremonies in Bollywood) nominations are open to the public. Having bounced back from the pandemic-induced downturn, the last year has seen…