VW identifier. Buzz has joined the raiding program on the Greek island of Astipalia

RC Verma

Those who want to be the first to try the long-awaited VW ID. Buzz needs to book tickets to the Greek island of Astipalia, which is available for raiding. The ASTYBUS raiding program replaces the usual bus line on the island with the astyGO vehicle, which is a case study. decarbonization and electronic mobility.

Two new mobility services were launched yesterday, with VW CEO Herbert Diss and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis taking part in the inauguration. If you have one or two colored IDs. Messages have been sent to the island for a presentation and a photo shoot, and the ASTYBUS service will temporarily operate with ID.4 models until the minibus is properly launched in the fall of 2022. There are five electric buses, which allow locals and tourists to try them out.

Also read: VW electric car will deliver the first private electric cars to the Greek island, which plans to become a paradise

In addition, the astyGO vehicle sharing program allows you to use the astyMOVE application to access a selection of VW electric models, including e-Up !, SEAT MÓ electronic scooters or Ducati electronic bicycles.

Last but not least, Volkswagen joined the ID.4 fleet delivered to police, coast guard, airport administration and the municipality last year, deploying an electric ambulance and an electric taxi. It will be recalled that last April, VW began delivering private electric cars to the islanders, who receive a special discount when selling their cars.

Permanent island

In a survey last year, more than 65 percent of Astipalia residents said they were ready to switch to electric vehicles using grants, even though they were still concerned about costs and infrastructure. Half of the respondents are considering abandoning their private cars and using new mobility services instead. Note that the small island, home to about 1,331 people, receives an average of 36,000 tourists each year.

Located in the Aegean Sea, Astipalia has become a “smart and stable island” thanks to a new program developed by Volkswagen in cooperation with the Greek government. The plan was first announced in November 2021, with the goal of converting the island’s fleet of 1,500 ICE-powered vehicles to 1,000 EV and raiding services. By 2026, Astipalia will move to sustainable mobility and upgrade its energy system. The transformation will include solar systems that will provide green energy to the entire fleet of electric vehicles by 2023 and will be further expanded to cover 80 percent of total energy demand by 2026, replacing old diesel generators.

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