Ola threatens to sue if the owner does not remove the social network posts

The case of Ola Electric and Balvant Singh EV has made a new breakthrough, asking consumers to remove “negative” posts on social networks within 24 hours.

The disagreement between Ola Electric and Balvant Singh from Guwahati deepened when the company asked the consumer to remove all “negative” posts on social networks within 24 hours. By this time, everyone should be familiar with the story of Balwant Singh’s son Ritam Singh, who crashed his Ola S1 Pro electric scooter. Balwant Singh said the accident was caused by a defect in the scooter’s brakes. In response, Ola analyzed the consumer’s behavior and said that Ritam had been speeding all night. The accident was caused by his sudden inability to control the scooter at high speeds.

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According to Ola Electric, the S1 Pro crash was not caused by any scooter failure, but by the rider’s negligence.

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Ola Electric and Balvant Singh

Balwant Singh took this as a breach of trust by sharing this information with the public. He shared this information on Twitter. The fact is that they did not disclose any personal information through these tweets. In addition, Balvant Singh is a person who logged on to the social network to share the details of his son’s accident. As a result of the progress between the two, the Internet is full of news about this case. It should be noted that Ola Electric has suffered from a lot of negative press in this regard. Balwant Singh Ola asked the electrician to remove the telemetry data and sent a message about the details of his son’s driving on the night of the accident.

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In a recent development, Ola asked electrician Balvant Singh to withdraw his case and remove “negative” posts on social media. He considers all this a slander and Ola asked him to remove all negative comments within 24 hours in order to protect his image and resist unfounded accusations. Ola also said that they are ready for a peaceful discussion to reach a peaceful solution.

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ola electric legal message Balvant Singh

Now, it is still unknown whether Balvant Singh Ola will agree to this demand of the electrician or continue to fight. But one thing is clear, data privacy laws are no longer under the rug. The government must respond to this by digitizing everything.

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RC Verma

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