June Sarpong: “The more women are empowered, the more men are freed from the slavery created by patriarchy.”

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June Sarpong’s name is synonymous with activism, with her iconic book The power of women applauded as a manifesto of modern women. Examining gender equality and its key role in our economic and social progress, June delves deeper into sexism and delves into the best way to eradicate it.

“Patriarchal rule means that men live in unconscious fear, that one day women will rise up and overcome demands,” June wrote. “It’s reversible; the more women are empowered, the more men are freed from the slavery created by patriarchy themselves. ‘

Despite the original 2018 version, The power of women It has never felt more important, with pandemics exacerbating the impact of patriarchy, disproportionately affecting women, and deepening gender divisions. In short, the world continues to be a very scary place to be a woman, and June’s powerful words cut through the noise.

Following the tragic killings of the pandemic and Sarah Everard, June re-released an updated version of her groundbreaking book, including new chapters on COVID-19 and security.

as an updated version of The power of women arrives on the shelves, June shared a summary of her new presentation exclusively with Marie Claire …

get out of The power of women
June Sarpong’s words

When legendary fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg was eight, she met the mother of a friend from her school. This woman was a successful wife, mother, and businessman. At that moment, Diane decided she was the woman she wanted to be: “An independent woman, a woman who could pay the bills, a woman who could lead her life, and I became that woman.” Women: As I walked with her on the elevator at the Inspiration and Enterprise (WIE) conference, I asked Diane for the only advice she would give to any young woman at first. He replied, “Clarity comes first. I’ve never met a woman who isn’t strong at her core. When we come together and take that side of ourselves, we can really change the world. ”

A kind of effervescence of Diane von Furstenberg and others as co-founders Huffington Post Arianna Huffington, actress Helen Mirren, presenter and producer Oprah Winfrey, and model, actress and activist Iman are only coming of age, which is why I’m amazed at the way we treat women over the age of fifty in the West. As Western women get older, society becomes more and more invisible: they disappear from television screens, magazine covers, advertisements, and media related to attractiveness and desirability. Surely we should respect these women, rather than ignore them?

The power to proclaim all parts of ourselves and the whole spectrum of our life journey has power. As a woman, self-acceptance will probably be the hardest thing you strive to achieve, as self-acceptance comes with confidence. Everything in patriarchy is designed to be trustworthy, soft-spoken, and unobtrusive so that we can never experience all of our power in our lifetime.

The impact of patriarchy seems to have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. According to a survey by the humanitarian agency CARE International, women, who are generally more likely to be employed in services and the informal sector, are losing their jobs in moderation, with 60% more opportunities than men. which has had one of the greatest effects on their lives. Many people working in these sectors do not receive unemployment benefits. Other areas on offer, such as Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa, require the head of the household – often a man – to pay, leaving some women without compensation, even though they often have to buy and sell. preparing all the food for their family members. This, coupled with the tremendous increase in domestic violence and unpaid care work that women have to do throughout the pandemic, has led to a global mental health crisis. In many ways, the pandemic has not caused these problems. It is simply that women around the world are not yet offered the same job opportunities as men, and are still expected to take on the majority of unpaid care work, more to the spotlight.

It is essential, therefore, that we act on these statistics and push for change so that women’s rights do not back down in the face of this pandemic, and instead rise stronger. Therefore, it is time to stand up and save ourselves spiritually, mentally, and physically. Thus, I believe that we can save humanity from a system that has been harmful to all, including those who first created it: from the cisgender heterosexual man.

Patriarchal rule means that men live in a constant state of unconscious fear, that one day women will rise up and overcome demands. The reverse is true; the more women are empowered, the more men are freed from the slavery created by the patriarchy itself. In this way, men will no longer be forced to compete with each other, or will never be vulnerable, which leads to many mental health problems and suicides.

My encounter with Diane von Furstenberg took place in 2012 and she has been with me ever since, forcing me to explore how I can overcome the obstacles that prevent me from being the woman I want to be and her. The courage and confidence of women like Diane, born out of the firm belief that everything she does is right for her, is why all women have to decide who they want to be and then figure out how to become one.

We need to encourage and strengthen each other’s dreams and aspirations. We need to listen to each other’s fears and insecurities, but we must not let them stop us. And we need to address the social structures and institutions that sustain women’s emancipation.

I accept that this is easier said than done, but we must try to benefit humanity: the world is in crisis and women need help to solve serious problems such as climate change, poverty, injustice, gender discrimination and barriers to education. they threaten the very survival of our species. Although women make up about half of the world’s population, few of us work in industries that are trying to address these issues directly. Imagine what we could achieve if we had all this untapped brain power.

I’m working to be the woman I want to be and I still have a long way to go. Part of the reason for writing The power of women it is to help me and others develop a clearer view of who this woman is. Positive affirmations on a daily basis go a long way in helping many women to cope with the negative self-talk that many women endure and that often holds us back. There are many inspiring affirmations and quotes that can be found in my brand, www.womanly.co.uk. I am asking you to help me create a new self-image.

As women, we must all strive to one day look at ourselves in the mirror to find the woman who wants to smile at us. When that happens, take a moment to enjoy everything it took to become the same.

BUY NOW: The power of women June Sarpong

The power of women June Sarpong is out now.

RC Verma

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